Early Years Pupil Premium Statement:
The Early Years Pupil Premium is additional funding to help early years settings enhance their provision for eligible 3 and 4-year olds.
Parents are asked to complete all sections of the new parent declaration document to allow their eligibility to be checked by West Sussex County Council (WSCC) through the DfE’s Eligibility Checking Service. Where children are found to be eligible the additional funding will be attached to their Free Entitlement payment.
The Early Years Premium will be used and managed by Jack and Jill Pre-school to enable support for children in a range of ways appropriate to their needs.
We aim to use any Pupil Premium allocation to support children’s development of knowledge and skills, focusing on the Prime areas with particular emphasis on their social and communication skills.
To this end we will:
- Provide a full and varied programme of opportunities for children
- Provide in setting support for children with identified additional needs
- Engage in an individual monitoring programme to identify children’s needs and progress
- Work in partnership with families to support development and raise aspirations
- Provide access to workshop sessions, including Music Bus, Happily Ever After, Kicks or Jigsaw