Parent Participation
Parents are the primary educators of their children & the aim of Jack & Jill is to support their essential work, not to displace them.
To enable this we will:
Make all parents aware of our systems & policies
Encourage & support individual parents to play an active role in the ‘life’ of the setting.
Encourage & support individual parents to play an active role in the management of the setting.
Ensure that parents are informed on a regular basis about their child’s progress
Facilitate a system that supports a two-way flow of information between the setting & the family.
Ensure that all parents have opportunities to contribute their own skills, knowledge & interests to the activities of the setting.
Involve parents in shared record keeping, on a formal & informal basis.
Have a flexible approach to consulting with families
Hold meetings / events in venues which are accessible & appropriate to avoid exclusion from attending.
Welcome the contributions from parents, whatever form they may take
Make information about queries, suggestions & complaints available.
Provide opportunities for families to extend their knowledge of the EYFS, our curriculum & children’s learning both in the setting & at home.
Provide support, where appropriate, for families dealing with external agencies in relation to their child.