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School Readiness

School Readiness

When we talk about ‘School Readiness’ we are assessing a child on their ability to function positively in a school environment so that they have the maximum opportunity to reach their full potential.

Some Characteristics may be more difficult for some children, but the important thing is to recognise where these difficulties lie and support the children to develop the weaker areas of their skill set.


Key skills to look out for:

•    Is the child able to separate from their carer and interact independently?
•    Can the child communicate their wants and needs?
•    Can the child dress themselves and put on their own shoes?
•    Can the child sit still and concentrate for a short period of time?
•    Can the child play and share with other children in a safe and positive way?
•    Is the child curious and happy to explore new activities or environments?


Other skills which will help a child progress into a more formal school environment include:

•    Showing awareness of the alphabet and understand phonic sounds
•    Recognising numbers in written form and being able to count a number of objects
•    Recognising their name when written down
•    Being able to hold a pencil and make marks on paper